2010 was the year of the Twitter for me!! The year i became well and truly hooked. They're have been ups and downs, laughs, tears and lots and lots of new friendships forged. I wouldn't change a thing.
2010 has also been the year of the Headache. Again. Unlike 2009, 2008 and 2007 however, i have spent less time incarcerated in hospital. Probably because i refuse to go!! This biggest thing to happen headache wise however, has been that I've learnt to cope better than i did in the past. That's a blessing!!
2010 is also the year i went on leave from work. Back in May. Yet to return. This is probably why i cope better with the headaches!!
2010 is the year i traveled twice to Queensland to visit my best friends and my sister and family. I love QLD. I may even move there!!
2010 is the year i decided to change my life. Sell up, pack up, and travel - in 2011! More on that later.
2010 brought new friends into my life. People i know will be around forever.
2010 was the year i was so very, very proud of my beautiful daughter. She made some momentous decisions, did some very amazing things and made me proud to say i'm her mum!!! Love her to bits!!
2010 was the year i came out to my friends and family about all things Kate Walsh!! LOL It was also the year of much ridicule and torment!!
2010 taught me so much about myself. I'm thankful for every experience, good and bad. Life throws challenges at us constantly. Some we overcome with ease. Some we battle through. Others we fear and hesitate to acknowledge. It's how we choose to deal with the latter that makes us who we are. I conquered some and in 2011 i fully intend to conquer more!! Bring it on!!
oh and 2010 was not the year i used capitals and punctuation in my blogs.... :)