Before we start i admit i stole this idea from someone else. More accurately the other blog reminded me of this.....and if you havent read the other blog then you won't really find this all that amusing or even interesting. Again i say go here read, be impressed, or not, BUT LEAVE A COMMENT AS NEIL NEEDS TO FEEL THE LOVE, and say i sent you if you wish. I dont care if u comment. i already feel loved.

Anyway... RoboCat, or as she was called in our house for many years Tekno Kitty, as that is what it said on the box, has lived with us now for about 10 years. She is very low maintenance. She does not require 7 people to care for her. In fact she has lived very well with no care for the past 8 years alone, uncared for, unloved, in her box, in a plastic crate, in a garage or shed. I dug her out today. Her batteries still worked!!!(it is true what they say about the Energiser Bunny!) She greeted me with a purr and a meow, and immediately resumed were she had left off 8 long years ago. Her tail waved, her head waggled and her eyes flashed. Very uncatlike. Our real cat at the time was terrified of her. Our bird Katie, who is still with us, is not.
I was thinking of going into business with Tekno Kitty. There is obviously a market for robotic animals and mammals (and even real life mermaids). But i think i will have to move to the US. The job market in Tasmania is too limited. and even though i have the skills to assist anyone to gain a job, if real live people can't get jobs, then my RoboCat is stuffed. Although i did see an opening at the local pet store for a sales assistant. Must like rodents!!!!??
There is a vid but i have yet to work out how to link it.... i have been very very busy. Really.
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