Sunday, August 15, 2010

Queensland Trip April 2010

Del and i were lucky enough to spend 12 glorious days in Qld earlier this year.  This was the last time i actually felt well so it has lots of good meories health wise for me as well as general holiday memories. :)
We visited my sister and family on the Gold Coast for a few days and then our best friends in the universe further up the east coast, called the Fraser Coast,  Hervey Bay - the whale watching capital of Australia! They had just given birth three days earlier to their first child together so it was uber exciting.  Kirby baby was so excited to see us too. He screamed for 5 days straight!! Poor little man. Poor mum.  Poor Dad. Poor Nanny and Poppy who were visiting too. And poor Auntie Del and Great Auntie La - now affetionately known as GaLa!! haha For those not in the know, a galah is a bird and also what we aussies call someone who does something silly.  An apt nickname for me so i'm told! Here's some pics.  Enjoy. 1. Del and Kirby bonding. 2. Hervey Bay foreshore. had lunch there! 3. the beach next to the pier which is pic 4. the pier is longest pier in Australia at 868m in length.  Yes we walked it.

1 comment:

  1. LOL @ Galah... lovely! Nice pics, Laree. Haven't been that far north, one day maybe!
