Friday, August 6, 2010

You broke it how???

Today I'm gonna tell you about my right wrist. Specifically about my scaphoid, a small bone in my hand that is about the size of a fingernail. It may be small but it is crucial as it controls the movement of the thumb. So onto the story....

I first broke this bone as a result of a car accident. Pretty normal. Well actually no! The car accident was minor. Slid off the road due to icy conditions. Noone injured. Until the police arrived. I was a passenger. The car was balanced on it's undercarriage on an embankment, no wheels on the ground. Police asked me to exit vehicle via drivers side door. I slid across, opened door and as I stepped out of car it slid down embankment. Taking me with it. Result: broken scaphoid, exposed nerves in hand, busted up and scraped raw knees! That's NUMBER 1!

NUMBER 2 occured about a week after cast was removed. Again passenger in car. Travelling down a slight hill. Car in front braked suddenly requiring us to do the same. I put my hand on glove box to steady myself. SNAP! that's 2!!

Approx 5 weeks after cast removed I was at at home when I got a call from a friend to come collect her from a local night club. I was waiting outside the nightclub when a bouncer threw a large bloke at the door. The door rushed open so I put my hands up to stop it hitting me! That's NUMBER 3!!

NUMBER 4 occurred a couple of years later. I stepped into the shower, slipped and sat on my hand. This time I shattered the bone on all previous fracture lines. Dr wanted to operate and fuse it with piece from my hip. I refused as it meant loss of most of range of motion of thumb! So 5 months in cast. My job at this time- swim instructor!! Lol 30 hr weeks in water!! Managed with combination of waterproof casts and plastic bags!!

And NUMBER 5!!! the best. Had the cast off for less than 24 hours!! And without going into too many details let's just say it involved another person, some nice wine, and a coffee table!!! And a cast for another 5 months. LOL

BUT I avoided surgery again and it's been fine ever since!! So one bone, 5 breaks! Can anyone beat that?


  1. Ouch x 5... I'm guessing on the last occasion, at least, a pleasant distraction & a glass of wine would've eased the pain somewhat...

    Best I can come up with is a dislocated knee, twice, when I was 15... way back when.

  2. OMG that is insane!!! And I thought I was bad!
