Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello Tweeps

Hey guys! Welcome to my tweet blog. Not sure what this will be about, if anything, but i shall just see where it takes me. I have a real blog which i'll probably link to from here every now and then, but that tends to be rather boring. Twitter, for me, is all about having fun! :) It's a way of taking time out from the real world i guess. More entertaining than sitting in front of the tv; but no substitute for socialising with friends face to face either. Mind you, in the short time i have been chatting with some of you, you feel like friends already :)

Most of the peeps i chat with have one thing in common - The Walsh!! I admire Kate for her tenacity at sticking to something she loves and pursuing her dream. I've followed her career on and off for a while now. She's funny, beautiful and on top of that can act!!! Oh and her bf's not too bad either. Agreed??? lol

I guess i'm not the typical Kate fan. I'm not a teenager. I'm not overly obsessed. I don't make fanvids. I do watch them. I do read the press releases and look at pics. And since finding twitter, i tweet to Kate!! And Neil :) Neil tweets back. Often. And don't the Kate fans love that??? Yep we do!! haha Neil has his own following now, and even his own fan!!

Most of u already know i'm older than the majority i tweet to. Yep i'm an old hag!! I'm a mum and best friend to the most beautiful girl in the world - Adele!! She's nearly all grown up but will always be my baby girl!! She doesn't tweet much. And she's horrified that i do!!! lol Thinks i'm having a mid life crisis or something! She's probably right!! :)

I've been asked why i'm online so much and the short answer is that i'm not working overly much at the moment. I work on a contract basis (self employed) so i pick and choose my jobs and hours etc. And yes i DO SLEEP!!! Just not the regular 8 hours at night like most people. Why? Short Answer is i'm on twitter!!! haha

Work for me consists of lots of different stuff. I was teacher (primary school, then Maths/Phys Ed/Sports Science etc)but now i work with adults and college age students, doing all sorts of stuff. I train Teacher Assistants to work with Special Needs students. I work with adults with aquired brain injuries, giving them skills necessary to return to the workforce. I work with young adults with Autism, assisting them with communication and social skills in order for them to enter the workforce. I work with groups of long term unemployed ppl giving them computer and basic business skills so they have the confidence to apply for jobs. I work with community groups setting up programs for disadvantaged ppl who do not have access to technology. I assist adults with literacy and numeracy. I work with migrants, giving them functional literacy skills and the ability to access further education or training. I also work at the opposite end of the spectrum. I consult to companies, offering training in time management, project management and diplomas and certificates in Frontline Management and Business Administration. Boring stuff. And completely unrelated but by far my most favourite thing - i teach swimming to children. In particular to children who have an extreme fear of the water, have had no prior experience (usually migrants) or have a disability. I LOVE it. Been doing it for over 20 years. Did it fulltime for a while. Was fantastic. Would love to do more of it again. Could talk about that forever!!! :)))

Thats enough for now.... Later :>]

1 comment:

  1. Let me be the first to comment here :) I follow you on twitter and read your amusing tweets with Erana ;)YOu girls crack me up every time. Wanted to find out more, read your blog and I'm quite impressed with the work you're doing. It's great. I'm a teacher myself, well...almost. Have my last exams in August but I'm already working for over a year. And hell yeah, Neil tweeting back is sooo much fun :P

    Oh, btw I'm Jazz8410 on twitter ;)
