Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You are what you eat...

I spent 3 hours this morning at the pathology lab having some blood taken. 3 hours was a dreadfully long time. They took a rather large quantity of blood. I'm not gonna go into details about the why and what for, but needless to say it's not because I'm fighting fit and perfectly healthy. Anyway, whilst I was taking a break from being stuck, I was people gazing and noticed that a lot of people were coming in to get tested for diabetes. They were all over weight, all about 50 years old, all complaininng about having to fast overnight and miss breakfast, all groaning and moaning about drinking a small bottle of glucose drink that actually didn't look to bad to me, and were all complaining about having one tiny little needle stick!!! Got me thinking. I asked the nurse how many of those people would return positive tests. She estimated about 80%! I was horrified. That was only 1 3 hr period in one centre, in 1 suburb, in one city..... It's an epidemic. I bet 80. % of those people left that centre and went to McDonalds on the way home too. It was just up the road. As was KFC and Souvlaki Hut etc.

On the opposite side of the lab is a new gym. Just opened. Car park was empty. Like the gym before it, it won't last. Yes it still is open. I don't know how it males any money. This new gym is open 24 hours. No classes. Minimal staff. No supervision after hours. It might have anchance. I bet not one of the 80% of the people insaw this morning will ever set foot in a gym. I bet they do go to McDonalds though. Even though it will kill them.

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